So I managed to get yet another roommate married off.

Last Thursday, Spencer Snow married Darcie Jones. I know. Crazy that Darcie got married. I'm sure the people that know Spencer better than I do think that its crazy that he got married. Those crazy kids! Doing crazy things like marry-ing...

The Pastor's wife had the room decorated so cute! The color scheme was pink and black, and they managed to pull off a kind of retro look with the whole thing.

Darcie walked down to the aisle to "All You Need Is Love" by the Beatles. She was just stunning in her custom-made dress and birdcage veil!

Darcie had her grandma, parents, brother, cousin, niece and nephew there, and Spencer had too much family for me to keep track of. Mom, brothers, etc...

Darcie's grandma even brought her wedding cake topper purchased for her own wedding in 1952! Darcie and Spencer were allowed to use it on the condition that they played nice when feeding each other cake. Face cake-shoving was not allowed. After taking an unusually long time to figure out how to cut the cake (I have no why this was a challenge, but it was. It was kind of entertaining to watch, actually...) they fed each other delicate little bits of scrumptious chocolate cake.

It was the first wedding I have been to where the newlyweds were the last to leave rather than the first. Most people left around 7ish. Luckily for those of us who stuck around a little bit longer, Darcie's cake-topper-toting grandma was there to regale us with stories. Stories of such things as the origin of the word "Testify," and why women are "unequipped" to do so. Think about it. I was unable to confirm the veracity of this story via Wikipedia, but it makes a great story so I'm going to believe Granny. Good times... I can't wait until I'm old enough to wantonly corrupt the rising generation with stories of unsubstantiated, somewhat inappropriate, "facts."
All I have left to say is, Good Job and Good Luck to Darcie and Spencer!