I didn't have any plans for the 4th of July, so I just tagged along a group of people from the area who went up to Park City to see the fireworks there.
The view was great. We went up behind The Canyons resort to watch. There were way too many people in front of the stage where the band was playing. We could still hear the band, which was fun. They were doing a little holiday homage to funk. Play that funky music white boy indeed.
The group played card games while they waited for the fireworks show to start. Well, everyone but me. I just read my book. And shared food with people. I took a lot of food. I'm always worried that someone will be hungry. I think I get that from my Dad's Mom. Thanks Grandma!
Here's me. I look a little worn out, but I was really just in a mood. And not a good one. Just one of those things that happens every few months. I usually avoid people when I get in one of those moods, but I tried my best to be social, in the interest of patriotism.
The fireworks happened. We went home. The scenery was fantastic, and the company was good. Well, present company excepted. Not my best 4th, but I'm still proud to be an American, and feel grateful for all those who have served, are serving, and those who will serve to protect this amazing country we live in!
Westen Wilson turns 13
2 months ago