Friday, December 18, 2009

Defensive Bowling

When Ron, Audrey, Mom and I went Bowling after I defended my Dissertation we proved that the Merrell's are not great bowlers. Only one of us broke 100, but we sure had fun trying!


  1. Hey Karen, I am loving all your catch-up posts. Keep em coming!

  2. How fun! I stink at bowling... seriously.

  3. I once got the accidental reputation of a 'good bowler'. It was a mistake and the only truly decent game I have ever bowled. I got three strikes in a row which is embarrassing because I always have to find excuses to get out of bowling with this particular group of friends.

  4. oh, bowling! you know, i always seem to either get a killer score, or to be killed. there's never an in-between!
